Giardino di Gati is a Restaurant located in the area of Glyfada in Athens .
The idea was to create an restaurant with an atmosphere of a vintage chic but very stylish destination .
It is a restaurant which is located next to the Vittoria Gati restaurant, and is essentially its backyard and occupies mainly the outside space.The main purpose of the design of the store was to create a space with a vintage aesthetic, giving the feeling of a garden open to the sidewalk full of plants. A wooden pergola has been built to create shelter and protection of the space.Worn wood and old furniture of an old aesthetic have been used in the space. The lighting fixtures are designed by the zitateam architecture team.
At the back of the shop there is a small bar while in front of it is a large table which forms the center of the courtyard. Two large olive trees have been placed to the right and left of the entrance, while a vintage Fiat 500 car has been placed in front of the entrance, emphasizing the aesthetics of the space.
Glyfada - Athens
Zisis Papamichos
Papakostas George
George Fakaros